Mumbai Indian celebrated Sachin’s birthday and that day in an interview Sachin told that, this is blessings of all that he is still playing cricket so well and he also said that he still feels to be 16 years of age and will love to play cricket more.
Amir Khan, one of the close friends of Sachin wishes him on his Birthday and said he will create history of breaking more records and may he score 100 international centuries.
Many Indian fans are excited about Sachin’s Birthday and they all wish him on his 36th Birthday.
Sachin’s Birthday will be celebrated as world cricket day, said by ICC. Sachin Tendulkar’s great success as a cricketer will be treasured by celebrating this day as world cricket day. This was deserved by our Master Blaster. Celebrating Sachin’s Birthday as world cricket day is the tribute to the player. He also will be awarded the Bharat Ratn award for his great performances for India.
Garfield Sobers, paid tribute to Sachin, saying that “with all his skills he will not give away so easily”.
Sachin Tendulkar is a role model for all the cricketers and he is no doubt a gem who is born in India. Sachin Tendulkar with his double century recently becomes more enthusiastic to play for the coming years.